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Proven Vape Detection Solutions
to Deter Student Vaping
Dedicated to providing tools, technology, and knowledge
to end the school vaping epidemic
Vaping continues to rise among students - now at pre-pandemic levels.
Take action to curb youth vaping with the Halo Smart Sensor
With New Safety Features!
Gunshot detection, Code-word security for bullying, and more!
School Administrators
Show parents and students you are fighting
the Student Vaping Epidemic
Rest assured you're installing technology that has successfully helped schools nationwide.
Turn the tide of kids trying out vaping by installing
vape detection where kids go vape.
Parent Organizations
See what Parent-Teacher/Booster organizations
are doing to help
Booster organizations equipping locker rooms with vape detection
Grant research and preparation through SafeSchools and State Drug Policy offices to fund deterrence measures
How to Curb Student Vaping
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